It is finally here. My long awaited vacation to the Dominican Republic. Punta Cana!!
I will bombard you with all the photos before and during the trip. Everything leading up to the preparation of this damn trip.
It was so fun, and well worth it, and with that I now have the travel bug and can't wait for more travels.
We started with group shirts, we did tie dye and then later added our hashtag, #DRCJdoespuntacana2017.
So now that the shirts are completed, I had to do some last minute packing and rearranging. Man I packed too much shit. But had I not, I think I would have been disappointed. In the end I tried to wear everything I brought. I missed about 2 pieces. So I think I did well. The girls were none to pleased that I was leaving and sat as close as they could while I finished up.
I also decided to braid my hair. That was an ordeal, I don't do it enough so I am no pro, but I knew I wanted my hair to be easy while on vacay. I also went wild and added some
jewels and shit. I had trouble keeping the ends shut, my water wasn't hot enough, so I tried to cheat with
adding closures to the ends. All in all I really liked the jewels and will use them again.
Now on to the fun stuff!
So of course I had to take an airport photo...selfie style...showing I am ready to go.
Once we got all checked in off to the bar for our first drink. Let me tell you something about this drink, it was awful. Like fucking disgusting. I don't know what bartending school this lady went to, but it couldn't have been a good one. I mean undrinkable! I had to go to my usual, Vodka Collins, with a splash of Grenadine...which the lady didn't even I had to go back to get that corrected. She was too busy chatting to pay attention I guess.
Maker's Mark Whiskey Sour...this was all Whiskey and nothing else. Even the girls said their drinks were too strong.
All boarded and ready to go...5 hours til New York
We've landed in New York. I am sleepy as heck...but still excited for the next 4.5 hours to come
And like that...we've arrived
Once we go through immigration, on to the resort. And when I say this was much needed...we were greeted with an ice cold towel. Like frozen cold. And some passion fruit juice. Both hit the spot. The climate difference was something I can't describe. It was hot as hell.
This was our view as we were being walked by our GO Khadeem. All I will say about him, is he wasn't very polite after he walked us to our rooms. He never once spoke to us again the rest of our vacation. And he had ample opportunities. That's all I will say negatively about my trip. Other than how damn hot it was.
This is my exploring face!
DAY 1:
Somehow we all managed to wear varying shades of pink for our toenails...
Now we drink. I must say for future ventures I will stick to wine and maybe beer, but not mixed watered down.
For dinner it was Dominican night. So we got to try a variety of Dominican specialties. Each night the food had different themes.
DAY 2:
Pool day.
Then once we got all pruned up, we headed back to the room, but had to step in the ocean for a moment. I swore I would not be bare foot in the sand. I don't like it, but I had to do it. The sand is softer than US sand, and pink with glitter flecks in it.
Then dinner time...I don't have dinner pics, can't even remember what we ate...but I do have pics of desert. FONDUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
With my favorite marshmallows.
The fruit artwork was amazing

Getting ready to hit the dancing...and watch a show
DAY 3:
This day we were on our way to snorkel. I have never been and was excited and nervous all at the same time. I didn't take any pics while in the water, but I will always have the images in my memory bank. Our tour guides were amazing and I highly recommend this

We didn't make it out that evening. Too much MamaJuana. We did go down for a very late dinner, but no festivities.
DAY 4:
We did some roaming on the resort...we had an excursion planned, but they didn't pick up at our hotel so it was cancelled. But we at least got our money back. So we put that money towards Janet Jackson instead. Win Win.
We went for breakfast then tried some archery. That mess was hard, but super fun. I sweated completely through my shirt, it was so hot where we were located.
Then we made a mad dash to change and get ready for the foam party. This was fun, but I didn't love how they would spray you in the face, especially when you would move out of the way.
My friends have better shots...I have some videos but not photos. Then we headed to the pool, to get away from the mayhem. It was beautiful and empty. Except for the damn lap swimmer.
If you look in the pics you can see the storm brewing in the background. Which happened about an hour after we got back to the room.
Here is a pic of the storm. I do have some videos of the rain.
Dinner time! I tried my first frog leg. Just a piece...I'm not that bold yet!
Then we had a Michael Jackson show, it was pretty good.
DAY 5:
We had a tour; cigar, zip line, horseback and cocoa. All in one. and worth every penny. I mean I didn't like that they over booked the bus and we were squished, but all in all it was great. I don't have many pics from this tour, mostly because I was terrified on the horse and wasn't taking my phone on the zip line-just getting up there was enough for me.

Once we were done and got home we decided to test out the Cirque area. I was feeling bold so I attempted the trapeze. That shit was scary and I didn't complete the trapeze. Hell to the Naw!!
Then we went back, rested and got ready for dinner and another show. Our girl Ana, hooked us up again with a cute table. And our gift of MamaJuana. I also had my first ever was with ice cream and chocolate sauce and to die for.
DAY 7: Our last day
We wanted to chill and relax on our last day, so we spent most of the afternoon at the beach. It was beautiful, even with all the seaweed.
After the beach the girls were "starving" I was not, so I went back to the room, chilled and got ready for more Cirque fun. This time I was a little more adventurous and stayed lower to the ground.
Then we just took pics of the resort, got ready for dinner and the final show which was a proper Cirque show and went to bed.
The last supper:
Cirque Show:
Last evening...sweating my buns off...
Goodbye Punta Cana, you were great!!